Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne K. Heider

(Co Director)

Task focus:

  • Ensuring cross-institutional teaching concepts and promoting young academics
  • Science marketing
  • Public image and communication of the Institute’s work results in science and practice
  • Primus inter pares regarding concepts and formats targeting U30

Prof. Dr. Heiko Kleve

(Managing and Academic Director)

Task focus:

  • Ensuring the cross-institutional research and publication strategy
  • Academic integration into the UW/H
  • Highest representation of the WIFU in the scientific community
  • Primus inter pares in science-related decisions
  • Ensuring the basic funding of the Institute
  • Communication and integration of the Institute into the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society and the University community
  • Highest representation of the WIFU in the practice-related public
  • Primus inter pares in the planning of the overall use of resources
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