Long-lived Family Businesses in Japan: Factors of Success
Japan is famous for its long-lived family businesses. What are the factors that contribute to the longevity? What can family entrepreneurs in other countries learn from Japan? Dr. Sigrun C....
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Co-Leading Sibling Teams in Family Firms
Siblings – they love and sometimes hate each other. Today, more and more often, they are supposed to lead family businesses together. But why do some sibling co-leaderships work well...
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Private Equity Investments in Family Businesses
Investments by private equity firms in family businesses are becoming increasingly relevant for both parties. In this work, change in the economic performance of family businesses due to private equity...
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Succession and the Transfer of Social Capital in Chinese Family Businesses
This is the first systematic study of the succession processes of Chinese family businesses and reveals actual events and situations during handovers. In explaining the features of the Chinese way...
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Relationship Conflicts in Changing Business Families in India and Germany
Business families experience conflicts among family members, often in connection with the role of the business in family communication. These conflicts threaten the continuation of the family business and peaceful...
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Taking over the Family Business
Why do successors decide to join family businesses? This study investigated the largely ignored perspective of the successor on succession as a career decision process. Grounded on family business and...
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