WIFU Research
and teaching area


The WIFU research area for wealth psychology and transgenerational wealth management focuses on essential aspects of transgenerational wealth management in family businesses. Psychological and cultural influences are essential for communication, cooperation, cognition and the consistency of relationships between the generations of entrepreneurs and within the generations. In the course of the digital and exponential changes in the past decade and especially in the immediate future, it is crucial to make transgenerational awareness and behaviour transparent, comprehensible and learnable. This new family business mindset is being researched and taught on various experimental and practical levels.


  • Central Transgenerational Changes in Family Businesses
  • Psychological and Intergenerational eWealth Reputation in the Public Eye and on Social Media
  • Wealth Reputation in the Public Eye and on Social Media


  • Introduction to Wealth Psychology and Wealth Culture
  • The Image of Family Businesses in the Media


Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen
Research and visiting professor for wealth psychology and transgenerational wealth management in business families



Prof. Dr. Thomas Druyen

Phone: +49 2302 926 553
Email: druyen@uni-wh.de

Prof. Dr Thomas Druyen has been a research and visiting professor since 1 May 2020, with responsibility for the area of ​​wealth psychology and wealth culture. For decades, he has also been concerned with demographic change and its social impact. In addition to academic and scientific work, he works on numerous supervisory boards and advisory boards and as a consultant. He received his master’s degree, doctorate and habilitation from the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. Since 2007, he has been a full professor at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna, where he heads two institutes as director for comparative wealth culture and wealth psychology and for future psychology and future management.

More information are available at: www.izz.sfu.ac.at and http://vermoegenskultur.sfu.ac.at/


  • Druyen, Thomas (2019): “Radical Change in Everyday Life“. Springer VS Verlag
  • Druyen, Thomas (2018): „Die ultimative Herausforderung – über die Veränderungsfähigkeit der Deutschen“. Springer VS Verlag
  • Druyen, Thomas (2015): „Drei Generationen im Gespräch – Eine Studie zum intergenerativen Zukunftsmanagement“. Springer VS Verlag
  • Druyen, Thomas (2012): „Verantwortung und Bewährung – eine vermögenskulturelle Studie“. Springer VS Verlag
  • Druyen, Thomas (2011): „Happy Princes – The Empowerment of Wealthibility” The Wealthibility Edition. Sigmund Freud University Press Wien
  • Druyen, Thomas (2011): „Vermögenskultur – Verantwortung im 21. Jahrhundert“  Wiesbaden. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
  • Druyen, Thomas; Lauterbach, Wolfgang; Grundmann, Matthias (2010): „Vermögen in Deutschland – Heterogenität und Verantwortung“ Wiesbaden. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
  • Druyen, Thomas; Lauterbach, Wolfgang; Grundmann, Matthias (2009): “Reichtum und Vermögen – Zur gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung der Reichtums- und Vermögensforschung“ Wiesbaden. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
  • Druyen, Thomas (2007): Goldkinder. Die Welt des Vermögens. Murman Verlag
  • Druyen, Thomas (2003): Olymp des Lebens. Das neue Bild des Alter. Luchterhand Verlag


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