WIFU_compact 17 Digital Openness and Digital Readiness

Family businesses act for the long term. However, this does not mean they cannot adapt to new circumstances in the short term. The decisive factors are open-mindedness, curiosity and the courage to try things out: All of this can be described as digital openness. In order to bring about digital openness in a way that is beneficial for the business, two approaches have proven to be useful: Anchor digitalisation in the family value system and let the NextGen take the helm.

Does digital openness lead to new products and services? No, something else has to be added: digital readiness, i.e. the willingness or competence to go digital. Find out what the digital readiness of the business family can look like in four situations.

Title and subtitles WIFU_compact 17 Digital Openness and Digital Readiness
Author WIFU-Stiftung
Year 2023
Keywords Digitalisation
Type WIFU_compact

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