Dr. Lina Nagel
Researcher at the Chair of Organisation and Development of Business Families
Dr. Lina Nagel has been a research assistant at the WIFU-endowed chair of Organisation and Development of Business Families since 2020. In her dissertation, she dealed with a cybernetic theory of business families, particularly with regard to conflict and communication. Since 2017, she has been working as a trainer for constructive conflict resolution through ‘fair fight’ in schools and adult education. She is a trained mediator and, in addition to her studies, has completed certificates in peace and conflict research, organisational theory and research, and biography work. She also worked as a systemic coach for students and was a member of the Constellation Hub for systemic constellation work in science. Ms Nagel completed her bachelor’s degree in media and educational science at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, followed by studying abroad in Taiwan. During her subsequent master’s degree in Ethics and Organisation at Witten/Herdecke University, she was funded by the Studenstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation). She wrote her master’s thesis on a cybernetic-systemic understanding of conflict based on Gregory Bateson’s epistemology.
You can find an overview of Dr. Lina Nagel's publications at Research Gate You can access Dr. Lina Nagel's LinkedIn profile here