25. WIFU Online-Forum
16. März 2021
During our XXV. Online-Forum we will focus on the similarities and differences of succession in German and Brazilian family businesses. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the main topic with our experts and to contribute their own questions to the discussion, which will be moderated by Otto Baumgart, Oskar Kedor and Prof. Dr. Tom Rüsen. The joint discussion will be based on the previous research results of WIFU as well as the experience reports by Selina Stihl (STIHL Holding AG & Co. KG) and David Feffer (Suzano Papele Celulose). Personal questions will be discussed in the plenary discussion.
More information and the registration form of the Online-Forum are available at: https://www.wifu.de/veranstaltungen/wifu-online-forum-2/